
Friday 25 May 2012

A Few Random Things

My friend saw an apron similar to this in a store a few months ago and loved it, so I thought I would make her one for her birthday this year.

If only it were that simple. Half-way in to the project my precious sewing machine had a terminal accident and had to be replaced, then the whole business with my knee, and to cut a long story short, she did NOT get on her birthday, or even within a month of her birthday. I promised her though that she would get her gift very, very soon. Well, two months late, she finally got her apron! I am pleased to say that she loves it.

I think I will have to make one for myself too!

I like to find little things that I can do for my kiddies, kind of tangible ways to tell them that I love them. One such thing is to occasionally add a surprise to their packed lunch. Sometimes it is a fun sticker or a note written on the sandwich bag and sometimes I do fun things to their food, like cut the sandwiches in to shapes with cookie cutters. I got this little idea from Pinterest:

Tasha thought it was brilliant and I had to do it to her apples every day last week, using different shapes. I always cut up her apples and vacuum pack them for school lunches, this is the only way I can be sure she will eat them, especially now while she is missing so many teeth.

I also like to leave little gifts on their beds for them to find when they come home from school on a Friday. It is usually something that they need, like clothes, hair ties or artists pencils, together with a sweet treat and sometimes a 'pocket money toy.' They get so excited when they find them :)

This is a position you can often find my daughter in:

She is such a book worm and will read a whole book in a day, carrying it round with her as she does other things, and a common expression from her when you ask her to do something is: "May I just finish this page first please?" She is also loving the sunny weather and spends plenty of time outside picking wild flowers and bringing little treasures in to show me.

It is great to see the kids spending so much more time outdoors, and our basketball hoop is finally getting some use again.

I look forward to being able to play with him in (hopefully) a few weeks. Jon has been enjoying taking the dog for walks without me.

Sometimes he even lets the dog use her own legs!

Our kind neighbour has also taken him and Tasha on dog walks with her and her children. This knee of mine really does need to heal now, it was one thing when it was raining and miserable to be glued to the sofa, but I want to go for walks now too, I am missing out on all the fun!

Oh, and Tasha met the Queen and Prince Harry!

No, not really, although this photo has certainly fooled a few, they are just cardboard cutouts at our local Tesco. Makes for a fun photo though.

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